In my third trimester, Christian and I took a baby prep class. A large portion of which entailed practic...
Mamahood isn't always the glamest . Let's be honest, there are days where I'm in my pj's until 4pm. But that ...
As a first-time mom, I have found that I struggle with anxiety. At night, I have found myself waking up...
The first thing that I realized after I had Harrison was that so many of my fav dresses are not at all nursing friendly. That&#...
My sweet baby Harrison was born at 8:25am on Friday February 24, 2017. It was not at all what I expected, and almost nothing went as we pla...
 Hey Everyone!  Ok, so I meant to write this post like 6 months ago, but I kinda forgot... oops sorry!  One of the b...
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