Well the holidays are officially over and I am back at work, and feeling a bit rushed to get everything finalized and ready bef...
Happy New Years Eve everyone!  So sorry I've been MIA for the last little bit, I've been battling a terrible col...
If you have been following me or my blog for a while, you might know that I LOVE dressing up! I especially love dress...
 Believe it or not last Christmas I had a dream that I would be quite pregnant next Christmas. In my dream I saw ...
This isn't exactly breaking news, but holy... is it ever cold outside! Living most of my life in Vancouver where it rarely ...
These days I'm all about comfy, but I'm still trying to look as stylish as I can considering I feeling hue an...
Can you believe that it's December already? I'm one part excited and one part totally stressed out because I have...
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