Ok Spring, I'm totally ready for you! It's basically been raining in Vancouver non-stop for a week now, there was a TINY p...
OMG! I literally cannot believe that its been three weeks since my precious baby angel Harrison came into this world ...
Because little Harrison and non-stop-rain here in Vancouver has prevented me from having more than about 10 minutes to take a...
Rainy days in Vancouver are pretty inevitable especially during the Spring. I know that this blog is called Gumboot Gla...
If there is one thing that I cannot live without it's coffee, wait and bodycon dresses - so I guess that's two...
 The weather in Vancouver has been amazing over the last few days. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the temps are d...
 I love outfits that do double and even triple duty, and these pretty pieces from local Vancouver designer Rimpy Sahota...
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